Company Event Write-Up
Record and share memories of your company events with this free company event write-up template.
What is a company event write-up?
A company event write-up is a written and or pictorial record of a company event. It could include memories, learnings and pictures of a team building or company workshop event.
Why create write-ups of your company events?
Writing up a company event and sharing it with your teams is a great way to make a record of your event for future posterity. Team members can hear the perspectives of their colleagues, add their own memories and share their learnings.
It's also a way to share the experience with those who were not able to attend.
When should you create an event write-up?
Whenever your company has run an interesting event - you can create a write-up. For example, a team building event, a workshop or a charity day.
What should a company event write-up contain?
A good company event write-up contains some of the following elements:
- Dates and type of the event
- Photos of the event
- Attendees thoughts and impressions of the event
- Any learnings people took from the event
- Links to relevant information
How to use this event write-up template
- Create a folder called ‘Templates.’
- Create this template document and give it a title. Remember to add ‘template’ to make it easy to find later.
- Add your content. Be sure to create an experience that looks beautiful.
- You're ready to share
Sharing and maintaining your event write-up documents
Once you have created your company event write-up, publish it online and share it with your company via the 'share to web' function.
Get this free company event write-up template here.