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Personal Development Review

Give great feedback to your team with this personal strategy review template, it helps you to write and share easily with your team.

Personal Development Review Template

Create beautiful personal development reviews for your staff with this free template.

What is a personal development review document?

A personal development review document – also known as a performance review – is a document that summarizes the performance of an employee during the review period (typically 6 months) and lays out areas for potential improvement.

Such documents often include a self-assessment, peer feedback, and an in-person review from a line manager.

Why create a personal review documents?

A good personal review document serves two purposes:

  1. The process that leads to the creation of the document is useful in itself, giving the employee valuable feedback from their peers, and laying out an plan agree by the team member and their manager.
  2. It serves as a record that can be referred to at the next performance review, to see how performance has changed.

What should personal review documents contain?

Each company has different assessment criteria and will record their personal reviews in a slightly different way, but they should include information such as:

  • Employee's performance during the review period, ideally with data to support any findings.
  • Examples of any positive or negative behaviors.
  • Feedback from peers.
  • Areas of improvement to work on, ideally with tangible goals.

How to use this personal review template

  • Create a folder called ‘Templates.’
  • Create this template document and give it a title. Remember to add ‘template’ to make it easy to find later.
  • Add your content. Be sure to create an experience that looks beautiful.
  • You're ready to share.

Sharing and storing your personal review documents

Personal review documents typically contain sensitive information that should not be shared publicly.

Craft's password accessed feature enables sensitive documents to be securely stored and shared only with relevant parties.

Get this free personal review template here.

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